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Наруто: Секрет клана Учиха



Приветствуем Вас на нашем ролевом форуме! А у нас тут случилась реинкорнация. Так что, регаемся, друзья! И всё будет в шоколаде. ;) У нас куча свободных ролей


Саске Учиха (Главный Администратор)

Гаара Песчанный(Администратор)


Дорогие гости! Вы попали на замечательную ролевую игру по аниме "Naruto". Не проходите мимо, регистрируйтесь.МНОГО СВОБОДНЫХ РОЛЕЙ! Принимаються ПОКА что только КАНОНЫ!!

С уважением, Администрация форума.


Мы сново работаем! Много свободных ролей!^__^

Погода и действия в игре:

Середина июня, лето. Погода солнечная и жаркая. Прохладу приносят лишь ветра и реки.
Жизнь в Селениях как-то странно спокойна и безмятежна. Как известно, гармония долго не держится, поэтому хаос уже назревает. Пока только в самых глубинках и донышках сознаний, но расслабляться не стоит.
Хокаге занята бумажками, шиноби и куноичи выполняют левые задания - от прополки грядок до нянькосидства. Казекаге учится чувствовать и любить (кого, интересно?), Мизукаге прохлождается в "Акацуки", Лидер пытается строить ряды подчиненных ("Распустились! Ф топку отпуск в Мизу но Куни, облезете на этот раз!"). А змеиный саннин вынашывает очередной гадкий план - решает проводить опыты не на звуковиках, а на коноховцах ("Я мстю, и мстя моя страшна", - говорит Орыч).


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Тексты песен к AMV по Наруто (

Сообщений 1 страница 3 из 3


Выкладываю то, что было найдено. Занимаюсь переводом, так что скоро и перевод будет.

Yellowcard - Way Away

I think im breaking out
I'm gonna leave you now
Theres nothing for me here
It's all the same
And even though I know
That everything might go
Go downhill from here
I'm not afraid

Way away away from here I'll be
Way away away so you can see
How it feels to be alone and not believe
Feels to be alone and not believe

You can't stop me now
You can't hold me down
You can't keep me here
I'm on my way
I made it this far now
And I'm not burning out
No matter what you say I'm not afraid

Way away away from here I'll be
Way away away so you can see
How it feels to be alone and not believe
Feels to be alone and not believe

(Letting out the noise inside of me
Every window pane is shattering
Cutting up my words before I speak
This is how it feels to not believe)

Letting out the noise inside of me
Every window pane is shattering
Cutting up my words before I speak
This is how it feels to not believe

Way away away from here I'll be
Way away away so you can see
How it feels to be alone and not believe
Feels to be alone and not believe



Текст Классной песни к клипу по наруто

SR-71 – Goodbye

I'm everything you know
You wonder friend of foe
I'm the burning in your throat when you swallow
But you spit me out
Your stomach full of doubt
And still you're faking every word out of your mouth
But you won't let go
It's all about control
Understand I'm born to lead you will follow
I don't wanna stay
I'm running away
Don't you hear me when i say long...nice try...I'm gone
You don't like being second
I don't like being wrong
I won't forget the way you made me feel
I won't regret running away from here
So I'll say goodbye again

Now it's there to see
You've forgotten me
Ever since I was the prince among the theives
So you hold me down
Strip away my crown
Can't contain me knowing all the truth I found
Always thinking small
Helping me to fall
Now you're jealousy and hate consumes us all
I don't wanna stay
I'm running away
Don't you hear me when i say long...nice try...I'm gone
You don't like being second
I don't like being wrong
I won't forget the way you made me feel
I won't regret running away from here
You think you see the world well you see nothing
Time is only gonna make it worse in the end
So I'll say goodbye again

Don't hit me with you fears
I won't fit with your ideas
You missed what I'm about
I earned my way out
And in the end
I'll say goodbye again

I won't forget the way you made me feel
I won't regret running away from here
I won't forget the way you made me feel
I won't regret
So I'll say goodbye again long...nice try...I'm gone(4 раза)
I'll say goodbye again



Рульная песня!
После долгих поисков (в ходе которых натыкался на совсем другую песню), текст был мной найден и слегка исправлен.

Thousand Foot Krutch - Phenomenon

If you're like us, calling all riders, roll up beside us, no place to hide us,
all freedom fighters, let's unite us, switch on your nitrous and...let's.. go...
Destination, for navigation, man up ya stations, feel the sensation surround invasion,
with communication, move quick, we might avoid contamination

Down, Here comes the sound, everyone pound your feet to this Phenomenon, Now let's make it
loud, let's show 'em all how you move to this phenomenon, Roll! Open your soul, maybe lose
control inside of this phenomenon, just let your self go, and let everyone know you move to
this phenomenon.

Don't let these spiders crawl up beside us, they want to bite us, inject the virus. Raise up
the lighters, praise to the righteous, we need to guide us, go..if you're
like us, calling all riders, roll up beside is, no place to hide us, all freedom fighters,
let's unite us, switch on your nitrous..and.. lets..go..

Down, Here comes the sound, everyone pound your feet to this Phenomenon, Now let's make it
loud, let's show 'em all how you move to this phenomenon, roll! Open your soul, maybe lose
control inside of this phenomenon, just let your self go, and let everyone know you move to
this phenomenon.

Can't take it anymore, shake until we move the floor, what are we waiting for? Let's go! I'm
tired of being ordinary, don't care if there's people staring, I'll rely on your strength to
carry me on. I'm not invisible like you, next time things get a little messed up, I'll shine,
but I'll never be see through. I'm fine just tryin to wake the rest up.

Down, Here comes the sound, everyone pound your feet to this Phenomenon, Now let's make it
loud, let's show 'em all how you move to this phenomenon, roll! Open your soul, maybe lose
control inside of this phenomenon, just let your self go, and let everyone know you move to
this phenomenon.


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